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Diet and a balanced diet - two different concepts that should learn to distinguish before starting to cut your diet in an attempt to maintain an optimal weight. In general, the proper balanced diet will achieve the same results as the diet, however, unlike in the diet, it is easy to observe a sufficiently long period of time.




Short-term diet for a few days give rapid results, which is also fast and lost. Long-term diet as a potential threat to their fans, they can damage the physical and mental health and is unlikely to yield the desired results in the long term. Reducing the volume of the different parts of the body subject to express diets only occurs due to loss of fluid, muscle and bowel cleansing. The body cannot quickly begin to lose body fat, so in terms of lack of food begin to break down carbohydrates and light muscle, releasing the necessary energy and nutrients for their own needs. Those who wish to lose weight without harm to their health, help some tips not to be compelled to exhaust yourself diets.



Carbohydrates should be used together with the protein



With appropriate exercise, and no amount of eating carbohydrate intake cannot be controlled. However carbohydrates, which are used without the protein in large quantities in the body into glucose. Increased levels of glucose, in turn, causes an increase in insulin production, which retards the burning of fats and stimulates the appetite. According to studies, it significantly slows down the processing of protein carbohydrates into glucose, so food with high content of protein must be present in any diet.



Should not eat carbohydrates after eating the main meal



There are times when after a long and hearty dinner is still present hunger. Not the best way out of this situation is the use of another portion of carbohydrates, especially at night. At night, usually during sleep the body burns calories much less than during the day, so the excessive portion of carbohydrates before bed will cause the increase in fat reserves. If there is hunger, before going to sleep better to eat several small portions of protein foods, such as low-fat cottage cheese. Carbohydrates that are used at bedtime, even three hours, can interfere with production of growth hormone. It is this growth hormone is involved in burning fat and building crazy muscle mass, so in his absence will also accumulate fat.



The water should be ingested in sufficient quantities



The human body is 70% water, so water is a key element in all functional processes in the body and in the process of metabolism. Studies demonstrate a decrease in metabolic rate in the body fluid is insufficient. Such a breach in the long term will necessarily affect the general condition causing excessive thinness or swelling. In 2003, the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology published a study that proves that only half a liter of fluids can speed up the metabolism by about 30%. In addition to effects on metabolism, water also gives a feeling of satiety. Quite often, hunger can be confused with lust that leads to the use of excessive amounts of food. Nutritionists recommend drinking a couple of glasses of water a day between meals.



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You need to choose the right fats



Although the value for the body fat is difficult to overestimate, by themselves they are quite high in calories and contain almost 2 times more calories per gram than carbohydrates and proteins. In the process of maintaining the body in a dry state without fat accumulation is necessary to some extent limit the intake of saturated fats found in large quantities in beef and dairy products. Saturated fats are responsible for maintaining the level of testosterone, but they are mostly deposited in the form of fat. As compensation instead of beef you can eat more fish or poultry products. Monounsaturated fats are nuts and olive oil and polyunsaturated fats fish almost completely processed by the body and deposited as fat. The total daily intake of fat should not exceed 20% of the total calories per day.



Breakfast should be sufficiently saturated



Food that is used during breakfast, almost never deposited in the fat. Breakfast all day determines the rate of metabolism, maintains the desired level of metabolism and provides all possible assistance in the process of regulating appetite throughout the day. According to a study published in an American magazine College of Nutrition, people, including breakfast in your protein and complex carbohydrates for the next day to consume fewer calories.



Additives must be present in the diet



Even if creatine, glutamine, BCAA inductors and other mixtures morally already fed up, no need to exclude them completely. Additives are extending help in crazy bulk growth. In the process of building muscle speeds up your metabolism, making it impossible to body fat, but the same metabolism cannot achieve the desired muscle mass. The additives should be taken as food, in addition, with better use of these drugs, the main effect of which is to burn fat. Some additives, such as nitric oxide, by themselves effect on the reduction of body fat. Inductors BCAAs help support metabolism at a high level, creatine affects the fat burning process and also increases muscle strength.



For drying, the body is better to use more additives in combination. In this complex should include:



·         Arginine - about 3-5 grams in the morning before breakfast, for half an hour before training and before going to bed;



·         BCAA - about 3-5 grams in the morning before a meal, the same immediately before and immediately after exercise, as well as in the evening;



·         Creatine - about 3-5 grams before and immediately after exercise.



Need to train more often



In the process of building muscle are of key importance the amount of training and recovery from them, and it is the main recovery. It is proved that in order to achieve greater effectiveness of the training cycle, it must be divided roughly into six or seven classes at a lower intensity loads themselves. This mode of exercise optimizes metabolism, because your metabolism is activated not only during intense exercise, but also for some time after exercise. Typically, training takes place three times a week, during each session is given intensive load directly only some parts of the body. Studies have shown that in the muscle-building greater efficiency has a short duration of training at least 6 times a week. With this mode of training metabolic rate rises to a higher level as compared to the three-time mode of study per week. Moreover, the short duration exercise helps to avoid excessive fitness and associated muscle fatigue and body as a whole.



To another important advantage of short and frequent physical activity can be attributed glucose metabolism. Subject to such a regime, when the body gets a load on a daily basis, the excess glucose is converted into glycogen. In normal glucose rest is deposited in the fat. To achieve the best results in the crazy muscle-building and strengthening of the body, experts recommend to develop the correct mode loads on different parts of the body. The optimal schedule of exercise can be described as follows:



Day 1 - given load on the muscles of the chest and the press;



Day 2 - in training should be as involved spin;



Day 3 - time to swing the leg muscles, calves and abdominal muscles again;



Day 4 - exercises for the shoulders and trapezius muscles of the back;



Day 5 - swinging again press and triceps are utilized;



Day 6 - the emphasis is on training the biceps and forearm muscles;



Day 7 - a day of rest and relaxation for the whole body.