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Do I Need a Fitness Instructor for My Critical Bench Press Workout? Does Bench Press Exercising Require Special Training?

While the critical bench exercises cannot miss from one’s training routine, it is clear that this workout is not for everyone, as it is a tough exercise. However, if you are committed to building stunning muscles and getting rig of your thin, weak appearance, you cannot succeed without proper bench press training. Therefore, the importance of an instructor to help you deal with the difficult task of performing a bench press routine cannot be stressed enough.

You will see that many people at the gym performing this type of exercise, but if you watch closely, you will also see that they seem to be in real difficulty, and many times they are doing it wrong. Most of the people that engage in performing a critical bench press workout have no clue about what they are doing; this is why their posture and movements are far from perfect. Not only that this results in poor achievements, but it can also lead to injuries.

I will give you some tips about how to perform a bench press correctly, but you will still need to turn to an instructor to tell you for sure if you are performing your moves correctly and get you on the right track if you are not. At least at the beginning, you will need someone to guide you through and help you monitor your performances.

The first tip you can use is to arch your lower back when you lay down on the bench to start your series. By doing so, you automatically ensure that your abs and lower chest are raised. This is particularly important, as this is the area towards which you are lowering the bar. Furthermore, the position will also offer you stability and control over your movements, so that you will also be able to handle more weight.

The second tip you should use when performing your critical bench press workout is to pinch your shoulders as close to one another as you can. It also brings you stability, and it lets you develop correct movements. Imagine that your upper back is the base of your bench press. When you perform the exercises correctly, you should feel tight and stable. Finally, by pinching your shoulders together, you reduce the range of motion, so you improve your performance.

I think that it is not hard to see why you need a capable instructor to offer you the approval and confidence you need while performing your bench press workout. You may now feel that no instructor can help you, since you do not have the strength to perform these exercises. It is true that strength is a key factor when engaging in bench press routines, but you can build your strength by using whey protein or casein protein supplements. Supplements are healthy and help you build nice muscles fast, so that you will be able to engage in serious physical activities.

Do I need a Fitness Instructor for my Bench Press Workout?

Casein protein supplements have a significant role in building muscles. Generally, it is recommended to use them before going to bed and at any time of the day (except after your workout), as they have a slow release into the organism – which can take up to 7 hours before complete absorption. This means that your muscles will receive vital supplies for their renewal and repair during 7 hours. When you work out intensively, these supplies are necessary for your muscles, which cannot recover without them. A critical bench press workout is one of the most intense ways of training, so you can see why supplements are not a whim.

Other kind of supplements that are highly benefic for your muscles are whey protein supplements. These supplements are especially recommended to people who perform a serious bench press workout as they are the best sources of amino acids that one can find and have a fast absorption – which gives you a boost at the end of your workout.

All in all, once you make sure your body is properly nourished, you really need to work with a fitness instructor like Mike Westerdal, if you want to make the best out of your bench press workout.

Here find out the critical bench program 2.0 review: